My background in health and work as a Personal Trainer has enabled me to develop a range of simple online exercise programs suitable for women over 40, designed to your level of fitness and ability to achieve optimum results.

Whether your goals are weight loss, lean muscle mass, increased strength, balance, postural correction or simply improved fitness and vitality, the health benefits of exercise are an added bonus and can transform your life physically, mentally and emotionally.

Fit4Women Exercise Programs:

  • Realistic, custom designed based on your personal health assessment to be completed online
  • Offer simple, easy to follow step by step written instructions available on any device
  • Incorporate a mix of strength and functional movement exercises with short bursts of cardio in a fun circuit format
  • Flexibility to those recovering from surgery, or have injuries such as back, knees, shoulders so that you can continue to participate in the program
  • Allow you to train in the comfort of your home, gym, outdoors or hotel room at a time that suits you
  • Require minimal equipment. 1 or 2kg dumbbells are recommended for the beginner and 2 or 3kg for the more experienced exerciser. Otherwise canned food or anything that you can hold to provide some resistance
  • Normally 30 minute sessions, but can be adapted to suit your time constraints